
I toggled the thing to make this site visible for the first time about 45 seconds ago.

  • The site will get a bit more colorful, I picked the blandest template possible and will add a cover photo / logo / etc. later. Still under construction.
  • In addition to “normal” blog posts, I’m trying to post a book review for every non-fiction book I read this year. As of now, the only one missing is David Brooks’ The Social Animal, which was actually the first book I read in 2019.
  • I don’t usually read so much pop psychology back to back, so I’m not sure how I ended up with 4 of the first 5 books of the year in that category. The next few will likely be history / philosophy / economics.
  • Still working on post formatting and tagging conventions. Maybe they’ll get better or worse.
  • The formula for “Reading Time” that I try to remember to put at the top of each post is minutes = (0.22 * word count + 25) / 60 plus an arbitrary adjustment based on not totally trusting the formula I found online.

Happy reading!